ALL IT Technology Information

Hadoop Tutorial

Hadoop Tutorial: All you need to know about Hadoop!


Firewall Information

Firewall Overview

What is firewall and why it is used?

 >A firewall is a security device — computer hardware or software — that can help protect your network by filtering traffic and blocking outsiders from gaining unauthorized access to the private data on your computer. ... They key is determining how much protection you need.








How to install vmware in ubuntu

 How to install vmware in Ubuntu

Network Firewall Question Answer

  TOP Network Firewall Question



Q1. What is Network Security?

Ans: Network security is a process of securing IT infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction, modification, destruction, or improper disclosure. IT infrastructure includes firewalls, routers, switches, servers, and other devices, which help host the software applications.

In simple terms, network security refers to all activities related to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization’s software and hardware assets.

Server interview questions answers



1)      Explain what is Windows Server?

Window server is a series of server operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation.






Q1. What are the two types of transmission technology available?
Ans. The two types of transmission technology are – broadcast and point-to-point.

Distributed File System (DFS) Replication

 Distributed File System (DFS) Replication


Distributed File System (DFS) || ADDS Server to access file but 2ed server to access file storage

 Distributed File System (DFS)

 is a set of client and server services that allow an organization using Microsoft Windows servers to organize many distributed SMB file shares into a distributed file system. ... It is also called "MS-DFS" or "MSDFS" in some contexts, e.g. in the Samba user space project.


Network Load Balance

 Network Load Balance


1)Network Bridge

2)NIC Teaming 

Disk Type and Performance

 Disk Type and Performance

Hyper-v Network type

 Hyper-v Network type 

Three type in hyper -v :

1)Private Network 

2)Internal Network

3)External network 

How to creat a virtual disk step by step

 How to create a virtual disk in vmware ,All Type Windows Machine step by step


A key advantage of virtual disks is their portability. Because the virtual disks are stored as files on the host machine or a remote computer, you can move them easily to a new location on the same computer or to a different computer.


Windows Shortcut Key and Cmd Command

Run commands


RAID || Data Storage and Backups

 Cloud || RAID || Data Storage and Backups || All Type Diskmgmt

A volume is a storage device, such as a fixed disk, floppy disk, or CD-ROM, that is formatted to store directories and files. A large volume can be divided into more than one logical volume, also called a partition


Cloud || hyper-v movement || migration

 Cloud || hyper-v movement || migration