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Server interview questions answers



1)      Explain what is Windows Server?

Window server is a series of server operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation.






Q1. What are the two types of transmission technology available?
Ans. The two types of transmission technology are – broadcast and point-to-point.

Distributed File System (DFS) Replication

 Distributed File System (DFS) Replication


Distributed File System (DFS) || ADDS Server to access file but 2ed server to access file storage

 Distributed File System (DFS)

 is a set of client and server services that allow an organization using Microsoft Windows servers to organize many distributed SMB file shares into a distributed file system. ... It is also called "MS-DFS" or "MSDFS" in some contexts, e.g. in the Samba user space project.


Network Load Balance

 Network Load Balance


1)Network Bridge

2)NIC Teaming 

Disk Type and Performance

 Disk Type and Performance

Hyper-v Network type

 Hyper-v Network type 

Three type in hyper -v :

1)Private Network 

2)Internal Network

3)External network 

How to creat a virtual disk step by step

 How to create a virtual disk in vmware ,All Type Windows Machine step by step


A key advantage of virtual disks is their portability. Because the virtual disks are stored as files on the host machine or a remote computer, you can move them easily to a new location on the same computer or to a different computer.


Windows Shortcut Key and Cmd Command

Run commands


RAID || Data Storage and Backups

 Cloud || RAID || Data Storage and Backups || All Type Diskmgmt

A volume is a storage device, such as a fixed disk, floppy disk, or CD-ROM, that is formatted to store directories and files. A large volume can be divided into more than one logical volume, also called a partition


Cloud || hyper-v movement || migration

 Cloud || hyper-v movement || migration



 SERVER IN Install AD-DS (Active Directory Domain Services)ROLES

The part of the directory in charge of management of domains, which was previously a core part of the operating system, was renamed Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) and became a server role like others. "Active Directory" became the umbrella title of a broader range of directory-based services.
Protocols used: Lightweight Directory Access ...
Developer: Microsoft Corporation

cloud hyper-v ALL Setting || IN vmware

 cloud hyper-v ALL Setting || IN vmware


windows dual boot remove

 windows dual boot remove


cloud hyper-v OS install || IN vmware

 Cloud hyper-v || IN VMware

 How to Install Hyper-V on vmware Workstation 10 ?
If you have connected your Server Manager to another server you could install Hyper-V remotely to that server is you are running Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2. On the Select server roles, select Hyper-V, when the Add features that are required for Hyper-V appears, click Add Features.

As we know we can’t install Hyper-V on vmware Workstation and when install it from Server Manager we get an Error.