SERVER IN Install AD-DS (Active Directory Domain Services)ROLES
cloud hyper-v OS install || IN vmware
Cloud hyper-v || IN VMware
As we know we can’t install Hyper-V on vmware Workstation and when install it from Server Manager we get an Error.
What is Syslog?
What is Syslog?
Syslog stands for System Logging Protocol and is a standard protocol used to send system log or event messages to a specific server, called a syslog server. It is primarily used to collect various device logs from several different machines in a central location for monitoring and review.
What is Active Directory?
What is Active Directory?
Active Directory (AD) is a directory service for use in a Windows Server environment. It is a distributed, hierarchical database structure that shares infrastructure information for locating, securing, managing, and organizing computer and network resources including files, users, groups, peripherals and network devices.
What is WMI?
What is WMI?
WMI stands for Windows Management Instrumentation. Designed by Microsoft, it is an infrastructure for the standardized management of data and information that is device independent. Since Windows 2000, WMI comes preinstalled with Windows operating systems.
WMI is the Microsoft implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), which is managed by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). WBEM sets standards to allow access to data from non-uniform technologies and devices across a standardized architecture. WBEM uses the Common Information Model (CIM) as the schema for defining information about objects.hich both stores files and accepts print jobs from clients and then sends them on to a network-attached printer.